Contact Clerk of Court
(337) 942-5606

The Clerk of Court is the chief election officer of the parish, and a member of the Board of Election Supervisors, and also a custodian of voting machines. The Board of Election Supervisors consists of the Registrar of Voters, the Clerk of Court, the Parish Chairman of the Democratic and Republican parties, and one member is appointed by the Governor.
There are 94 precincts in St. Landry Parish. The Absentee votes count as 1 precinct. The Board of Election Supervisors selects commissioners-in-charge, commissioners, and alternate commissioners at random from a list of persons who have been certified by the Clerk. This is done at a public meeting of the Board of Election Supervisors.
Prior to an election, the Clerk is responsible for sealing the voting machines and assuring that they are delivered to the proper precinct.
On election day, the Clerk’s office is open from 5:00 a.m. till all returns have been tabulated. In-house voting machine mechanics and personnel are available to assist voters and commissioners throughout the day.
After precincts have closed, tabulation sheets are brought to the Clerk’s office by commissioners-in-charge and entered into the Clerk’s and Secretary of State’s computers for final results.
Post election activities include opening and rechecking seals on voting machines, verifying voting machine totals with those turned in by commissioners-in-charge, returning machines to warehouse, and forwarding election results to the Board of Election Supervisors.